New Releases
All your favorite stickers in one, convenient sheet! Available in both matte and holographic gloss, the Kawaii Christian Sticker Sheets are the PERFECT solution to encourage your walk with Christ in the cutest way possible!

UPDATE: Drinkware
We are in the process of enhancing the design and production of our upcoming tumblers and cups to guarantee the highest quality for our future offerings. While the current cups are of good quality, we are committed to meeting EXCELLENT standards, including a range of skin tones to cater to all our customers. We eagerly anticipate the future of these products.

About Us!
Kawaii Christian is a Christian, Faith-Based company dedicated to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ! Our purpose is to give ALL glory to Jesus Christ, the One, True and Living God! We have faith that this company will be a blessing to all who view and shop at the company. May God Bless You, Always! In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN!

Want to see more Anime Artwork inspired by the word of God? Don't miss out and follow @kawaiichristianart on Instagram!